
Stuck?! sketches June 1st

Hello,there!!  It's June already. Can you believe it?? 
I am sure time dose fly so quickly.

Stuck?! June 1st sketch here.  
Wow my favorite ○Circle○ love the layer of papers,too.

And here is my layout. Mist&watercolor again!  
My son's birthday photo @ his nursery school.

 I used some stamps of Elle's Studio around the circle.
 Love the star and "love your______" one.

It was so much fun to play with!! Thank you for stopping by!

今月もStuck?!に挑戦です。最近、パターンペーパーよりも白のカードストックの方が出番が多い・・・ハマるとそればっかり、B型です。サークルはミストの先っちょでぐるぐると。Elle's Studioのスタンプを周りに押しました。” love your ______"いざとなると浮かばない英語の形容詞(汗)3つでギブアップ、ごめんよ息子。 

